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Preparing for the First Day


Because of Covid-19, Mt. Moriah Christian Academy will be opening with In-Person Instruction & a Fully Distance Learning Program. Our In-Person Instruction will meet or exceed both CDC and New York City Department of Health Guidelines with regard to Covid-19.


Planning with stakeholders

Our Assistant Principal, Samuel West, will be our Covid-19 Coordinator. He has already engaged with school stakeholders and community members in the development of Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s Reopening Plans.

For in-person instruction, we have considered a number of factors. We will be making the following adjustments:

  • Morning Devotion and Closing Prayer, which is generally a whole school activities, have been moved indefinitely to class activities.

  • All classes will have a maximum capacity of 10 students.

  • Classes will be cohort to contain any potential outbreak.

  • Student’s instruction will be given from 1 teacher rather than several.

  • Face coverings and all other proper PPE must to worn at all times.

  • All persons in the facility must adhere to CDC and NYC DOB guidelines at all times, this includes 6 feet distancing.



Information distribution platforms

Our Covid-19 Coordinator has already developed a communications plan for students, parents or legal guardians of students, staff, and visitors that includes applicable instructions, training, signage, and a consistent means to provide individuals with information. Our Teacher Orientation will cover CDC guidelines and best practices in the classroom. Our Parent Orientation will include training in hand washing and social distancing. As well, our Behavior Management System has been updated with Social Distancing Guidelines. Additionally, continued communication with parents will be through the uses of the Procare System, which offers an app, text, and email simultaneously. Families will be informed as well as provide feed back through the Procare system.

Required document prior to start

All parents seeking enrollment to the Academy for the 2020-21 school year must submit an updated physical and immunization form prior to being enrolled.

Student hand washing and Social Distancing Classes

Our Covid-19 Coordinator will ensure all students are taught or trained how to follow new COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly, including but not limited to hand hygiene, proper face covering wearing, social distancing, and respiratory hygiene. This will be achieved through in-class guidance and hands-on training.

Student Entry to the Building

No parent entry into building

Parents will be allowed to escort their child to the door of the Academy but will not be allowed in. An Academy Representative will receive and process the incoming student at the door.



Signage of CDC and NYC DOH Social Distancing, Mask Wearing, and Hand washing posted

Signage regarding CDC guidelines has been posted in every classroom and hallway. Hallways have been marked to provide Social Distancing Directions.

Our Covid-19 Coordinator will encourage all students, faculty, staff, and visitors through verbal and written communication (e.g., signage) to adhere to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and DOH guidance regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), specifically acceptable face coverings. No person shall enter the building without proper PPE, specifically acceptable face coverings.

Student temperature check and point of entry

An Academy Representative will take the temperature of all incoming students and document the results. If a student’s temperature is elevated, that student will be denied entry to the academy for 48 hours and a doctor’s note will need to be presented upon re-entry.

PPE Requirement for Entry

All students and faculty must wear a mask to enter the Academy.

Classroom Organization

Cohort Classrooms

Students will be grouped by classes. Every effort will be made to ensure that classes don’t interact with each other, as to limit and contain any possible outbreak.

Classrooms limits

Social Distancing will be achieved through first adhering to the 20 sqft per student rule, then limiting class sizes to 10 students or less.

Water cooler for every classroom to limit hallway interaction

Every class is equipped with its own water cooler to limit any hallway time.

Classroom Procedures

Students place 6 feet apart

Student seating will be spaced to allow for 6 feet distancing.

Lunch Procedures

Students will bring lunch from home. Students will eat outside when weather permits. When the weather does not permit, students will eat it in the classroom, where 6-foot distancing has already been established.

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s policy prohibits peanut and fish meals to protect students and faculty with food allergies.

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s staff will direct students in the process of hand hygiene before and after eating. As previously stated, appropriate hand hygiene will be promoted early to parents and students. The sharing of food is already not allowed at the academy.

Pickup Procedures

Staggered dismissal

Student Dismissal will be by class in 15 minute increments beginning at 3 pm.

Parents alert the school to their presents outside

Parents will not be allowed entry into the school to pickup students. Parents must alert the school to they’re presence outside via Procare or phone and an Academy Representative will usher students to parents. Floor signs allowing for social distancing outside for parents are posted.

School Cleaning

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy will follow all guidance related to health and safety. This will include meeting social distancing requirements and cleaning frequently touched spaces regularly to prevent spread of infection.

Cleanings will be preformed every morning and afternoon by maintenance staff. Teachers will wipe down commonly used surfaces (Such as door knobs and table tops during the day.) Deep cleanings will be done every weekend. All cleaning products will be CDC recommended disinfectants.


Fire Code Compliance

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy will continue to comply with the requirements of the 2020 New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (BC), except as specified in 19 NYCRR 1221.2(d).


The function, position, and operation of all fire doors will remain unchanged.

Emergency Drills

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy shall conduct standard operations and procedures to the best of our abilities without deviating from current requirements. Fire (evacuation) Drills and Lockdown Drills are required by Education Law and regulation and the Fire Code and will continue to be conducted.

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy does not offer lunch or transportation.


Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s Procare System also provides for the collection and reporting of daily teacher/student engagement or attendance, regardless of instructional setting.


Educating remotely or In-Person

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy will continue to educate students whether in-person, or if should health concerns arise, via remote learning.

Equity is at the heart of Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s instructional decisions. All instruction has been developed so that whether delivered in-person, remotely, or through a hybrid model due to a local or state school closure, there are clear opportunities for instruction that are accessible to students. Students begin the school year with workbooks specific to each student which can be used at home or in class.

All of Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s instructional plans include regular and substantive interaction with their teacher regardless of the delivery method (e.g., in person, remote or hybrid).

Mt. Moriah Communication System

Mt. Moriah Christian Academy’s Procare System provides a clear communication plan for how students and their families/caregivers can contact the school and teachers with questions about their instruction and/or technology. Parents or students need only send a message via the Procare System or email the school through our website. Any questions or concerns will be answered by the appropriate party, be it the teacher or administration.

Virus Containment Protocols

Should a student or faculty member test positive for Covid-19, the Academy is prepared to contain the spread. We will first alert the school community as well as the NYC DOH, and then cancel in-person class for a 14 day period. During this period students and their teacher will meet remotely as to continue the learning process. After 14 days the Academy, in collaboration with the NYC DOH will evaluate the situation to decide if in-person classes should resume.

Mt. Moriah

Christian Academy

1149 Eastern Parkway

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Tel: 718-953-4364

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